Creative Genius - The Blog — creativity RSS

Creative Genius - a blog about finding & unleashing your inner magic – tagged "creativity" – Page 3

Are you trying to access your creativity? Get back touch with creativity? Find ways to become more creative? Or maybe you want to deepen creativity? The Creative Genius Blog offers insights & ideas for getting creatively unstuck so you can find and unleash your creativity. May it be exactly what you need to hear today.

the podcast about finding creativity that wants to save the world

Creativity is the energy that animates the entire universe. It's the intelligence behind all of it. It's what's moving your hand across a canvas. It's what's telling you the next word to write if you're writing, it's what's telling you what note to play, if you're singing or composing. It's what lets you know what flavors work well or don't. And it is beyond that, it's also a curiosity, intuition, gut instinct & inner knowings. 

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Creativity doesn’t turn its back on you if you don't use it

There is a vast, deep, wordless well of intelligence that exists inside each of us, a whole universe of possibilities, ideas, impulses, imaginations, inspirations, feelings, and desires. This is the home and birthing ground of all the knowings you will ever need. This inner realm is the playground where we meet with our soul to plan the adventure that is our life, and it is here where we can return for guidance when we become lost or off-course in our lives. 

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