Creative Genius - The Blog — recovery RSS

Creative Genius - a blog about finding & unleashing your inner magic – tagged "recovery"

Are you trying to access your creativity? Get back touch with creativity? Find ways to become more creative? Or maybe you want to deepen creativity? The Creative Genius Blog offers insights & ideas for getting creatively unstuck so you can find and unleash your creativity. May it be exactly what you need to hear today.

CG | Episode 026 | Tracy Mazuer - From Hollywood Exec to Farmers Market Artisan - “Walking away from a life that isn’t working”

This is one of those episodes that has the power to change the trajectory of your whole life if you happen to be ready for what it is trying to tell you. If you suspect that there is a different, more fulfilling life whispering to you and you are ready to do some reflection, pay close attention to the end of this episode because, i have some homework that will help you begin to tease all this apart and start down your own path of returning to your truest self. 

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