Reflections on 2022 - Top 10 Episodes of Creative Genius in 2022

When I started Creative Genius 15 months ago, I had no idea the adventures it would take me on, the people I would connect with, the lives I would touch, and the sense of purpose and meaning it would bring to my life.

 Doing this work has allowed me to be in service to the things I love and value the most; creativity and humans, and the sacred connection between the two that is in desperate need of repair. I have learned to be a better listener, friend, and storyteller. I have learned to be vulnerable, brave and I continue to learn to allow creativity to lead my life, to guide me and my work in the world. I am so unbelievably grateful.

 I send out the most glowing, sparkling thank you to all the guests who have joined me in conversation, everyone who tuned in, all the people who continue to stand with me and support this work by becoming Patreons -  this is important work and it cannot be done without your presence and support.

It is time for all of us to reclaim creativity as the  GPS of our whole lives. The other way wasn’t working.

This is a rising wave of creativity we are on, and together we will bring others with us and finally heal what has been keeping us from the thing we love the most. Love. Life. Creativity.

Thank you, and congratulations for being here. 2023, here we come. Get ready.



 ps- if you want to have your say on what guests and topics you want to hear on the show in 2023 leave a comment on this page



10. Dr. Cheryl Arutt

9. Jane Dunnewold

8. Phoebe Gander

7. Lori Siebert

6. Emily Jeffords

5. Jeanne Oliver

4. Amanda Evanston

3. Lynn Whipple

2. Autumn Skye

1. Tracy Verdugo

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