Excavating Your Purpose: Going Under Your Limiting Beliefs to Discover Your True Path

Do you ever feel like something is holding you back from truly living your purpose? Often, the biggest barriers we face are the ones we create ourselves—our limiting beliefs. These hidden thoughts and patterns can quietly influence every decision we make, keeping us stuck and disconnected from the life we want to live.

In episode 75 of the Creative Genius Podcast, I sat down with Scott Erickson to explore how we can unearth these limiting beliefs and begin living more authentically. Scott, an artist, author, and creative force, shared his own journey of overcoming doubts and finding his purpose. His insights inspired the creation of a powerful tool to help you do the same: our new journal worksheet, "Excavating Your Purpose."

This worksheet is designed to guide you through the process of identifying and releasing the beliefs that no longer serve you. By digging beneath the surface, you’ll uncover the deeper truths that lie beneath your fears, allowing you to align more fully with your purpose. It’s a gentle, reflective, and actionable process that can help you make profound shifts in your life.

Ready to begin the exploration? My Patreon members have exclusive access to this journal worksheet, along with a treasure trove of other content designed to support your personal growth and creativity. Join me today on Patreon to download this worksheet and gain access to meditations, bonus podcast episodes, and more transformative resources.

Let’s unearth the potential that’s waiting inside you! 

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