The Creative Genius Podcast - Episode 03 - Becoming Creative with Abstract Artist Betty Franks

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'Becoming Creative' with Abstract Artist Betty Franks. SUBSCRIBE & LISTEN to the FULL episode here

“If more folks recognized their creativity, no matter how small they think it is, it will bring more happiness to them.” -Betty Franks

At 50, Betty Franks made a bold transition from a lifelong career in customer service management, to becoming an internationally celebrated abstract artist whose work can be found in private collections all over the world. And it all started with a wish and an intention. 

Her journey to becoming creative started when she discovered mixed media and fell in love with the medium. She then started attending art workshops which led her to become an abstract artist. 

Creativity is an expression of our truest self. If we allow ourselves to be loose and be vulnerable, to let go - we are rewarded with a deep sense of happiness and contentment. Among other wonderful insights, Betty shares the genius way she developed for getting her rational mind to be quiet so she can sneak off and play with her wild creativity. 

The Magical Path (the book that Betty mentions that changed her life, helping her become a creative person

Kate Shepherd: website | instagram | facebook

Betty Franks: website | instagram | youtube 

 As promised, here is Betty's favourite affirmation 

i do wonderful work in a wonderful way with wonderful people for wonderful pay


Watch the full interview



And finally, my favourite piece of Betty Franks' Art, entitled Compulsive Kindness

beautiful, colourful abstract painting Compulsive Kindness, Betty Franks 2021

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