authentic turquoise horizontal teardrop shaped pendant on unique Sterling Silver setting. on weathered driftwood background. Sterling Silver Chain
authentic turquoise horizontal teardrop shaped pendant on unique Sterling Silver setting. on weathered driftwood background. Sterling Silver Chain
authentic turquoise horizontal teardrop shaped pendant on unique Sterling Silver setting. on weathered driftwood background. Sterling Silver Chain
authentic turquoise horizontal teardrop shaped pendant on unique Sterling Silver setting. on weathered driftwood background. Sterling Silver Chain
Turquoise Nurtured Talisman (Yellowjackets Jewelry) # 251

Turquoise Nurtured Talisman (Yellowjackets Jewelry) # 251

Regular price $325.00
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simone kessell wondering what necklace Lottie from Yellowjackets wears?

Amy Parris, Costume Designer for SHOWTIME TV approached Kate looking for jewelry that the beautiful and complex character Lottie (played by Simone Kessell) would wear in their wildly popular series, Yellowjackets. This piece is from that collection!


Calmness. Creativity. Wisdom.Emotional balance. Intuition. Prosperity.

Turquoise is a powerhouse stone to wear. For starters, it is that gorgeous, highly coveted, impossible blue we all love, it has been used as a talisman for wealth and prosperity for thousands of years AND turquoise is associated with connections to the spiritual world, psychic sensitivity, and protection from harm and negative energy.

My NURTURED series, features stones I have hand selected for their exceptional colour and cut. I set them with open backs to offer as much access to the stone as possible (the fronts are often as beautiful as the backs!)

The unusual setting of these pieces - these gorgeous stones are cradled by the chain - evokes a sense of being supported and being nurtured. 

Sterling Silver 15mmx20mm