The Creative Genius Podcast - Episode 10 - Born to Bloom Bright with Jules Ostara

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Show Notes Episode 010 - Born to Bloom Bright with Jules Ostara (Subscribe & Listen here

 In this episode we discuss the importance of playfulness, discernment & collaboration inside creativity, how we are all worthy of blooming creatively, and why we do not need to fear collaboration when it comes to creativity. 

Artist and two time author Jules Ostara, grew up on what she calls a “hippie farm in West Virginia” and still ended up becoming a (self proclaimed) “recovering valedictorian” she shares her thoughts on how widespread the temptations to seek external validation and become overly self-critical are, when these start to creep into our lives, and the transformations that took place for her as she journeyed away from a path of seeking external validation, to looking inside for direction and guidance for her life.

We talk about what she had to let go of to reconnect with her inner artist.  What happened when she started creating art for herself and her kids she was not worried about being good… and the process of turning it creating art into play. 

She shares how reconnecting with creativity as she grieved the loss of her mother was a powerful lifeline that opened her back up to the touch, intuition, joy, creativity, she had become disconnected from, and how when she had kids of her own, she learned to mother herself in the process as she saw what she wanted for them she began to give it to herself. Self love. Worthiness. Knowing we are worth being here. 

At one point, she shares an incredible insight (that caused a deep shift in me) about how creativity is like scattering the seeds that you won’t want to miss. 

This is a beautiful, curious, conversation.  May it spark your knowing that it is more than ok for you to playfully, joyfully scatter the seeds of your creativity not worrying if they all take, AND that you are absolutely, innately worthy of blooming creatively. 

Here is the Rhythm card that we drew from Jules' oracle deck

And some freebies and book previews

Kate Shepherd: website | instagram | facebook

Jules Ostara website | Instagram | Facebook  

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