just Dropped: Bonus Episode 69 – Activating the Hero Within (Patreon Exclusive)

Hello, dear Creative Genius fam!

I’m excited to share our latest Patreon bonus episode—number 69! Can you believe we’re already four seasons in? It’s been an honour to host over 70 inspiring conversations on the show, and I’m so grateful you’re here on this journey with me.

This week, I’m diving deep into a powerful conversation about becoming the hero of your own story. Our upcoming guest, Kwame Scruggs, is an award-winning cultural mythologist who uses myth and storytelling to help people transform their lives. He started his journey from a factory job in Akron, Ohio, to becoming a renowned teacher, helping young people and adults alike find themselves in the stories of mythology. Through his work, Kwame shows us how the timeless lessons in myths can guide us through life’s most challenging moments.

In this bonus episode, we explore how myth can help us navigate overwhelming times and stay connected to our purpose. Whether you're facing grief, stress, or simply the demands of everyday life, the key is to keep chipping away at your goals—even if it’s just a small step each day. Kwame’s stories will remind you that you don’t need to move mountains to find your path; sometimes, it’s just about picking up that one symbolic feather along the way.

I’m also working on a guided meditation for my Patreon Subscribers - inspired by one of the myths from the episode, which I’ll be sharing with you soon. It’s going to be a beautiful meditation journey you can take over and over again and it is followed up by some questions you can use to reflect and connect with your creative genius in a deeper way.

As always, I encourage you to lean on our community here. We’re all walking this path together, supporting one another in learning to trust our intuition and activate our creativity. 

Thank you for being part of this journey. I hope you find some time this weekend to nurture your beautiful self and reconnect with your creativity.

Even the smallest step can lead you closer to being the hero of your own story.

Sending you love,


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