Celebrating Artists who Inspire and Delight

Celebrating Artists who inspire us to create beautiful art: Eric Carle the artist who brought us the Very Hungry Caterpillar has passed away at the age of 91

Eric's art had a joyful innocent easy quality about it.  I remember looking through those books at the library when I was smaller - they made me want to paint, they made me want to play with colour, they made me want to have snacks the way that caterpillar has snacks! 

To live a life creating joyfully with colour to inspire people all around you is a very good thing. I feel deep gratitude for Mr. Eric Carle for everything he shared with me and all of us without him ever even knowing,  or maybe he did know…? 

Eric Carle's work was filled with collage & watercolor, wonder, innocence & vibrancy and I believe, an intention to share creative freedom with children everywhere.  

I had to go through a whole heck of a lot before I allowed myself to call myself an artist.  The process of letting go is ongoing and I think will be for the rest of my days. How easy it is to get stuck in our heads -  wondering if we’re good enough, wondering if people will like our work. 

When these feelings pop up for you, I encourage you to dig out your copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, or go to your nearest library and sit with a copy of it for a few minutes. Look at the images, feel the colours and remember that art is first and foremost about exploring, expressing and playfulness. 

And let yourself have the same hunger as that little caterpillar with art.

Eric will be smiling down on you, I know it. 

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