Announcing The Creative Genius Podcast with Kate Shepherd

Hello loves, 

You have not heard from me for a while because I have been away quietly working on a very special project for YOU. And today that project had its debut in Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Yes. I made you a Podcast. 

Over my lifetime of making this jewelry and my other artworks, I have met thousands of people at various galleries, shows and markets. And thousands of times I have heard people in these places quietly whisper things like, "I wish I could be creative, but I am just no good at that stuff" 

For a long time this broke my heart, intuitively it did not feel "right" and yet I had no answer for it. Then one day about six months ago I had one of those life changing moments - a calling, you might say -  I experienced a sudden knowing on an early morning walk with my dog in the rain - that I had to to find a way to reach everyone who has ever believed this thought - that creativity is not available to everyone - with the message that in fact creativity belongs to and is available to us all.  

And so The The Creative Genius Podcast was born. It is a podcast about finding wild, true & authentic creativity through the magic of listening to your heart. I speak with some of the most brilliant, creative minds & hearts of our time, digging into what inspires them, finding out how they deal with creative blocks and how they have gotten out of their own way to allow creativity to move through them, and are now experiencing creative success beyond their wildest imaginations. You won't want to miss it! I don't want you to miss this.

I am so proud that Morning Moon Nature Jewelry is able to sponsor this for you. To celebrate there is a discount code included with each episode. 

Take a moment to subscribe and listen now.

I hope these episodes reach you in some deep, magical way. 


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